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THE AUTHENTIC JAPANESE FURNITURE > Catalog > [Antiques line] > Furniture list > Vendu > RI TA 1590 - LB BF 

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Front view
Front view
Side view
Side view
Rear view
Rear view
Top view
Top view
Inside view
Inside view
City: Sado, prefecture: Niigata, region: Chûbu
low board, MeijiMeiji
Period from 1868 to 1912
Original use
Traditional Japanese clothing
chest half part
Dimensions (H x W x D)
54 x 91 x 44 cm
2 large drawers
Wood species
Japan lacquer (urushiurushi
Traditional Japanese lacquer, also called "Japan" in English
), dark brown
Manufacturing location
City: Sado, prefecture: Niigata, region: Chûbu
, Niigata prefecture

Robust construction for this tansutansu
Japanese chest, generally speaking piece of furniture for a storage purpose
, as was often the case at SadoSado
City: Sado, prefecture: Niigata, region: Chûbu

It is the top part of an ishôishô
Kimono chest, generally speaking clothing chest
Japanese chest, generally speaking piece of furniture for a storage purpose
Traditional Japanese clothing
chest), that you can use as a low board. We suggest you place a stand light and an obiobi
Kimono sash
on top. 

Iron fittings are thick and have been hammered by hand, sign of a quality tansutansu
Japanese chest, generally speaking piece of furniture for a storage purpose
. So are the heavy cast handles.

The "toasted bread" color nuances evoke a black Japanese lacquer (urushiurushi
Traditional Japanese lacquer, also called "Japan" in English
Japanese chest, generally speaking piece of furniture for a storage purpose
 later restored with a clearer lacquer (this is not a recent repair).

To be noticed: This tansutansu
Japanese chest, generally speaking piece of furniture for a storage purpose
is in good condition for its age (early MeijiMeiji
Period from 1868 to 1912
= 140 years old), but the following should be pointed out: slightly separated boards on the top, urushiurushi
Traditional Japanese lacquer, also called "Japan" in English
lacquer chipped in some areas, burn marks on the lower drawers). 

Part number
RI TA 1590 - LB BF
Sold out
Price: B